Monson Arts Gallery Show of Berenice Abbott's Greenwich Village in Monson, Maine.
The Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District (PCSWCD) is partnering with the East Sangerville Grange (ESG) once again to bring you some family fun at our upcoming Cider Pressing event! This event will be held at the Law Farm Nature Trails, Dover-Foxcroft on Saturday September 14th, from 11AM-1PM and will be packed with pressing fun.
Fundraiser for the East Sangerville Grange Roof Project At the East Sangerville Grange, 287 East Sangerville Road
Routine Foot Care Services Include: Clipping and sanding of thick, long and fungal nails. Removal of ingrown nails. Reduction of corns and callouses. Exam of lower legs and feet. Gentle ma