Saturday Aug 9, 2025
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Downtown Dexter, Maine
VENDOR FEES: FOOD TRUCKS/FOOD STANDS PAYMENT DEADLINE & CANCELATIONS -Credit card option: payment required at application Vendors who cancel prior to July 1st are entitled to a full refund. Cancellations after July 1st will NOT be refunded. PLEASE READ & AGREE TO ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS OUTLINED IN THE APPLICATION.
Before June 1, each 12x12 spot is $100
Starting June 1st, Each 12x12 Spot is $125
Electricity upcharge is $25
Before June 1, each 12x12 spot is $75
Starting June 1st, Each 12x12 Spot is $100
Sorry, NO ELECTRICITY offered to non-food vendors
-Check payment option: required within one week of application to hold your spot.
We recommend applying to be a vendor using the online application portal by clicking on the REGISTER BUTTON on this page. You can either pay securely by credit card online, or mail a check after submitting the online application.
READ all information carefully and complete each section of the online application. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
If you opt to pay by check, simply make that selection at checkout and mail your check. Please note that we will hold your spot for 7 days while we await your payment.
Checks should be made out to the "Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce" and mailed to:
Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce
Red Hot Dog Festival
1033 South St. Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
If you prefer to use a paper application , please print, complete, and mail ALL THREE PAGES with your payment. Again, incomplete applications will be returned to you.
If you need clarification about the application process after reading through the application, Rules & Regulations, and The Town of Dexter’s Hold Harmless Agreement, call us at 207-564-7533.
If you have questions about the festival itself or need information not regarding the application process, please e-mail the festival organizers at
We look forward to working with you!